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НОВЕЙШИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ДЛЯ СКАНИРОВАНИЯ И ДИАГНОСТИКИ ПСИХОФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СОСТОЯНИЙ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Aura-VibraimageFrom ancient time people used term "aura” for characteristic total features of person, including physical and mental states. Historically aura displays around a person, mainly distributes around person head. It is interesting, that term aura was used in every religion and does not depend from religion status and historical period. Also aura term is popular in modern life, Google gives more than 100M links for the word aura in internet. Acceptability aura term application for science human state identification was in detail described in the works.Historically vibraimage development begins from internal amplitude and frequency images, but it is impossible to display both images in one frame. Real video image is also informative, even in person identification aim. So for person emotion recognition is preferable to display information about three images: real image, amplitude and frequency vibraimages. It is understandable, that it is necessary to compress information from every named image, if we want to display 3 images in one frame. Firstly seems that it is impossible task, because AV and FM displays uncorrelated values in every pixel, but it is not really so. The technical task for vibraimage is the only one - calculation of 3d object movement with maximum accuracy. Than we could calculate object energy or emotions, if we correctly know movement parameters. So, it was supposed that information from some pixels is more informative than others. Elsys assumed to compress pixels information to lines (more correct to half lines) information for AV and FV. Any object divides on two parts left and right and left line reflects information from left pixels, and right line reflects information from right pixels. Maximum frequency in half line gives line color and average half line AV gives line dimension. These admissions allow displaying three images in one and resulted image looks as person aura. Though Elsys used only technical principals for object movement description, the resulted image looks like ancient aura pictures. There are no random events in the world, so if wizards and extrasensory persons could see aura like technical device, it only means that the brain of this persons intuitively calculates approximately same parameters as vibraimage system. It also confirms the fact, that vibraimage around head usually is greatly more, than around body. There are technical explanations for vibraimage-aura informative. According to formulas calculation of AV and FV, these images mostly depend from optical contrast and noise level, and both this factors could reduce registered frequency, but could not raise it. So pixel with maximum frequency really displays frequency movement of body part or line and it could replace information from all other pixels in line. Aura-Vibraimage (Aura-VI) is greatly informative for visual analysis of one person than AV and FV, but source images for auto system analysis and emotions calculations are AV and FV. For some solutions is more informative to display aura around internal vibraimages AV and FV. Aura-vibraimage photos changes demonstrate the progress in understanding and realization of aura-vibraimage, intends for informative visualization of human functional state. Latest aura-vibraimage photos allow to control changes in amplitude and frequency of human head vibration by the color scale on the real image, that is more informative and comfortable for visual analysis. |